indexing services providing ways into the text
Welcome to signpostindexing.com
I provide indexing services to authors, publishers and database hosts, working with both regular clients and on individual commissions. Back-of-the-book indexes are prepared for general, academic, and trade books. Commissions are only taken on if timescales can be met, so deadlines are never missed. Indexes are prepared in accordance with client requirements, using the house style or relevant standards. The final version of the index is e-mailed to the client in their preferred format. Topics covered include business, education, financial services, history, art and design, fashion and architecture.
Examples of past books indexed
Microeconomics in words by Gregory Besharov (OUP)
Tune in: How to make smarter decisions in a noisy world by Nuala Walsh (Harriman House)
The Andy Warhol catalogue raisonné: paintings and sculptures mid-1977-1980 (volume 6) by The Andy Warhol Foundation (Phaidon)
Planet VC: How the globalization of venture capital is driving the next wave of innovation by Jame DiBiasio and Terance Philips (Harriman House)
Broken homes: Britain's housing crisis: Faults, factoids and fixes by Peter Bill and Jackie Sadek (Troubador Publishing)